Monday, March 21, 2011

FBI Agent Explains How To Spot Liars

Hi everyone! Today I want to share a little of my professional world with you. I'm in my last semester of graduate school for my master of arts degree in forensic psychology. Forensic psychology is psychology that relates to the law. One of the aspects I deal with is deception. I've spent a lot of time researching deception and I love the topic! So I thought I'd share a short assignment I had to do. This assignment was to find a video on the internet (umm...YouTube!) that discusses how law enforcement detects deceptions in interrogations or interviews. I then had to identify three behaviors that are thought to indicate deception. Focusing on one of those behaviors, I had to find a scholarly journal article that either refutes or supports the behavior. Here is my response...enjoy!
In a news report I found on You Tube from KOCO-TV out of Oklahoma City, a retired FBI agent explains how he interprets nonverbal actions to detect deception. He specifically names gaze aversion tactics such as looking up to the right while speaking as an act of creating a lie. According to the agent, if one is looking up to the left, then something is being remembered. However, this is only true for people with dominant right hands. The opposite is true for left handed people. Shifty eyes are also indicative of deception according to this video. The video also names behavior such as rubbing the back of the neck, tapping fingers, and looking at their watch as signs of nervousness which the agent deems is caused by deception. Finally, the video mentions defensive postures such as leaning back in a chair, keeping hands tightly folded, and arms crossed as signs of deception.
The underlying theory is that persons engaging in deception are invoking fight or flight or freeze and hide autonomic reactions. Fight or flight and freeze and hide reactions are invoked when a person is confronted with a fearful situation. It is important to note that signs of nervousness and defensiveness may have causes other than deception. Think about people with ADHD who continually tap fingers, bounce knees or do other behaviors to release energy. Additionally, when stakes are high, many people will display defensiveness when they are fearful. Fear responses do not always equal deception.
For this response, I am choosing to concentrate on the gaze aversion techniques mentioned. These gaze aversion techniques included looking up to the right or left and shifty eyes. In other words, looking any where other than the interviewer or interrogator. Mann, Vrij, Fisher, and Robinson (2008) note that it is a common belief among laypersons and police officers that gaze aversion, nervousness, and body movements are signs of deceit. In fact, police officers frequently rely on gaze aversion and body movements as signs of deceit. A popular police manual, Criminal Interrogations and Confessions (Inbau, Reid, Buckly, and Jayne, 2001), describes these actions as forms of deceit. Yet, deception research does not support any of these actions as signs of actual deceit. Man, Vrij, Fisher and Robinson (2008) note that relying on gaze aversion (as well as “unnatural posture changes, self adaptors, and placing the hand over the mouth or eyes when speaking”) to detect deception is “ineffective, at best, and perhaps dysfunctional.” In fact, when these cues are focused on, observers perform significantly worse at detecting deception.
In Mann, Vrij, Fisher and Robinson’s (2008) study, police officers in a training course were shown videotaped interviews “of suspects who lied or told the truth during their police interviews.” Police officers were divided into a visual condition where they could only see the suspect during the interview, an audio condition where they could only hear the suspect during the interview, and a control condition where they could both hear and see the suspect during the interview. The results indicated an average overall accuracy score of M = 58% (SD = 0.16). This was significantly higher than chance alone. The police officers “who were exposed only to visual cues achieved lower lie and truth accuracy scores than participants who were exposed only to the audio” cues or the control group who was exposed to both audio and visual cues. Moreover, numerous studies (e.g. Davis, Markus, & Walters, 2006; Mann & Vrij, 2006; Mann et al., 2004, 2006; and Vrij & mann, 2001; Vrij, Mann, Robbins, & Robinson, 2006) have been conducted that use real-life material and report these same findings (as cited in Mann, Vrij, Fisher, & Robinson, 2008).
KOCOTV (2008). FBI Agent Explains How to Spot Liars [Video file]. Retrieved from
Mann, S. A., Vrij, A., Fisher, D. P., & Robinson, M. (2008). See no lies, hear no lies: Difference in discrimination accuracy and response bias when watching or listening to police suspect interviews. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22, 1062-1071. doi: 10.1002/acp.1406
(c) Tonya Klar, 2011. Please note this is my scholarly, academic work and should not be plagiarized.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm finally GREEN!!! 159.86 Miles logged!

I started walking regularly in June of 2010. In July, I wised up and got a Nike+. LOVE it!!! I've got some health issues that sometimes stop me from exercising, but I really, really love my Nike+ and I'm feeling pretty proud of my accomplishments. I now run along with my walking. I go 3 miles and at my best, I run 2 of them. If you need an exercise motivator, THIS IS IT!

Welcome Spring!

Welcome Spring!
Originally uploaded by stampvamp

I made this card for the Get Your Diva On March Challenge (3/14/11) and Mojo Monday 182.

GYDOMar142011 celebrates spring by challenging us to use an "au naturale" palette of white, ivory, gray, black or brown along with a splash of color.

This is the inspiration I used for my own color palette. I noticed this past weekend how the orange-yellow signs really stood out with the grass that is starting to turn green--surrounded by the brown, dead grass from the winter. I was thinking then that I would use this palette for a card. Then this challenge was issued and it was a done deal! I took this snapshot to recapture the color idea I experienced while driving.

I am using Mojo Monday 182 for my sketch. I used designer paper from October Afternoon's Fly A Kite line. I also used Suede card stock from SU! and vanilla from PaperTrey Ink. The ribbon and brad are SU!

This is the inside of the card. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mojo Monday 181

Mojo Monday 181
Originally uploaded by stampvamp

I made this card for my sweet nephew who has entered a new phase of his life. He recently went into the Teen Challenge/Life Challenge program and will be away from home for about 2 years. He loves it and is doing beautifully. He's never been happier in his life and has a wonderful testimony. I'm sending him this card to keep him encouraged. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Me. Winning.

Does anyone else wonder if maybe Charlie knows exactly what he's doing?

This is how I roll. Well, relax anyway. I've got tiger blood.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Awesome Charlie Sheen Quote of the Day

"Imagine what I would have done with my fire-breathing fists." 
Well, I wish I had a set of these when I'm at school...

You Suck

Close up
Originally uploaded by stampvamp

I made this card for a challenge issued by StampInsanity Stamps. The challenge was to make an "unconventional" Valentine's Day card and I thought this was pretty unconventional!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another Birthday Card!

Originally uploaded by stampvamp

This card is for one of my best friends, Holli. She's my girl and I love her so much. We like to hang together and go to movies and eat good food. We also like to play armchair psychologists. So much fun!!!! Happy Birthday, Holli. You're the best and I love you!!!

Awesome Charlie Sheen Quote of the Day

"They can’t hang with me. Their bones would melt like wax."

Ok, I can't help enjoying this Charlie Sheen train wreck. You know why? His train wreck is worse than my own. Plain and simple. On the other hand, I truly hope Charlie gets it together. I don't want to see him die or completely self destruct. As for my semi-professional point of view, I truly believe Charlie is in a manic state and possibly psychotic. Now whether this is chemically induced, that's another question. For now...enjoy the show!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Celebrating You

Originally uploaded by stampvamp

This is a birthday card for my special friend, Eve. I'm hoping she doesn't find this blog before she gets the card! The image is from The Greeting Farm. I guess I'm going to have to get out my photo editing and lighting stuff out again so my pictures will be better.... SIGH. If Charlie Sheen saw this, he'd say I'm definitely NOT winning.

Prairie Fairy Love

Originally uploaded by stampvamp

I made this special card for my very special friend, Roberta. It's even her Prairie Fairy image! Isn't it beautiful!!!???

My Heart Belongs to You

Originally uploaded by stampvamp

This is a super simple, no layer card I made with another Kenny K image. LOVE these!

Trust in the Lord

Originally uploaded by stampvamp

This is a card I made for someone special. The sentiment is from Verve and I love it. I need to remember this verse daily...

Stamping Bella Exchange

Stamping Bella Exchange
Originally uploaded by stampvamp

This image was from my friend, Erica for our February image exchange. It's a Stamping Bella. Sorry the lighting is so GREEN!!!

A little Kenny K

Originally uploaded by stampvamp

I made this card for my friend, Liz's birthday. These Kenny K images are totally COOL!!!
Liz's Birthday Card

Kimmel Kartoon - Charlie Brown & Charlie Sheen

Awesome Charlie Sheen Quote of the Day

‎"Every day is just filled with just wins. All we do is put wins in the record books…We win so radically in our underwear before our first cup of coffee, it's scary." ~ Charlie Sheen